Welcome to the Film-aholic Anonymous... I decided to put together my own Z-list of movies I've seen that are worth mentioning: the good, the bad, and the uglies.
Either they are too good to be true or too repulsive to fathom, they will be reel-listed...right here with my own little discussion. Care to join?


The Cove - 2009

"The dolphin's smile, is nature's greatest deception."  

Once and awhile, a movie is made that changes the unity of the world. This movie is one of them. The Cove is an exceptional documentary that brings the dolphin slaughters in Taiji, Japan, to public awareness.  Its purpose is to expose the audacity of the fishermen at the Cove who slaughter dolphins every year, turning the cerulean blue water into bright crimson.  I'd say this film is the best documentary I've seen by far because not only does it inform you of a current inhumane problem and ways you can help, but it also contains an incredible story of human conviction that portrays the ability of man to change.  

Richard O'Barry brought the attention to this atrocity, after discovering the arcanum behind the Cove years ago.  From there, his determination to reveal what happens at the Cove is very tenacious.  He teams together with professionals who use covert technology to record the fisherman in Taiji.  What truly touches me about O'Barry's story, is that he was first known for capturing and training the dolphins used for the popular Flipper TV series back in the 60s.  Then years later, when one of his dolphins committed suicide in his arms,  O'Barry realized how wrong it was to keep such intelligent animals in captivity.  Since then, he had devoted his life entirely to the freeing of captive dolphins. It was not a story of rags to riches, but rather, riches to resolution.  You see, it is never ever too late to change the course of your life.  

Please take the time to watch this documentary.  As of right now, because of this documentary, the dolphin drive hunting in Taiji has taken a big hit and is at a temporary halt. This comes to show how much power we the people really do have to change the order of things. Imagine what else we can achieve as more of us are aware of the injustice that rots our earth.  However, problems like these will only stay dormant and over time will awaken without the consistency of our united efforts.  Documentaries are among my favorite films to watch because it instills a sense of responsibility in us and encourages us to get off our couch. So again, please watch The Cove to not only motivate, but also to inspire you to get your feet wet.      


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