Welcome to the Film-aholic Anonymous... I decided to put together my own Z-list of movies I've seen that are worth mentioning: the good, the bad, and the uglies.
Either they are too good to be true or too repulsive to fathom, they will be reel-listed...right here with my own little discussion. Care to join?


Alice in Wonderland - 2010 

Tim Burton's creativity once again materialize through Johnny Depp under the guise of a phantasmagoria of eccentric characters and vivid imageries.  His version of Alice and Wonderland is incredibly unique and truly defines Burton as a maverick in the world of directors (no wonder Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham take a shine to him). I was completely surprised when I found out that this movie is not just the retelling of the original, rather, it is somewhat a sequel to the beloved story of the young girl who endures self realization, acceptance, and the impossibilities.  The idea of the sequel makes Wonderland seem more than just Wonderland, but an actual weighted world that grows and withers, dies and resurrects.  Wonderland becomes a character in itself in Tim Burton's new adaptation. However, being that Burton isn't 

Depp once again delivers a spot on representation of a crazed mad hatter, who's mercury poisoning is evident in his appearance, movement, and behavior (although I think sometimes I could see a Jack Sparrow peep in and out every once and awhile from his character...just saying).  Helena Bonham makes for a great angry queen, envious of all who is more perfect than her.  And Alice...well, I'd say her character is the least colorful of the cast (and most representative of all of us), but this works.  Her colorless slate only makes the world of Wonderland even more delirious.  I absolutely loved this movie only because I'm a die-hard Tim Burton fan.  The story line can be lacking to the majority and events may happen too simply and quickly.  However, Alice in Wonderland definitely has the "Burton factor" and so, it is successful for what it is. The musical score is like a requiem for reality while the imageries are like that of a dream.

Avatar - 2009

I fear the more I talk about this movie, the more I will be hated. I will keep this as simple as possible. This movie is the regurgitation of James Cameron's fructuous mind.  When I watched it the first time, I was too distracted and mesmerized by the engrossing world of Pandora that nothing else mattered. Of course later, walking out into the less colorful world of mere Earth, I realized Avatar was something like a Pocahontas meets Fern Gully meets Starship Troopers. But who cares? I sure didn't. Even though the characters of this movie are somewhat 2-dimensional and predictable, the creation of the Pandora world more than compensates. What's impressive about Avatar is not the lack of witty banters or original plots, but how incredulous the technology is for this movie.  Also, James Horner is the man behind the soundtrack, music that I believed help bring Avatar to life. He has produced music for many other acclaimed movies in the past including Braveheart, Titanic, and Troy.

One thing I forgot to mention.  There is one detail about Avatar that makes me really like the story, despite its cliche tendencies; and that is the fact that Jake Sully, the main character, is a paraplegic who finds freedom in someone else's skin.  Can't we all relate to that?
I suggest you watch Avatar, if you haven't done so already.  It is a blockbuster hit, meant to appeal to the conventional mass.  I am a visual junkie and I'd rate this 5 stars because the movie itself is a delectable treat for the eyes.


  1. Khoa00:47

    Your blog confuses me. I don't know where to leave this comment so I'll just leave it under Avatar.

    But dude, all your posts are movies that you seem to really like. I'm sure you've watched a couple movies you didn't like. I'd like to read about those too! I have this sudden urge to want to be "reel-listed" so here's some movies I just pulled out of my head that I'm guessing you may not have seen yet. Either way, I'd love to read what you think of them.

    The Fall (2006)- I thought it was a decent movie with an okay plot. But what really blew me away was the cinematography. GORGEOUS! Be sure to watch it on a nice TV.

    Son of Rambow (2007)- I think I told you about this one before but here it is again. It's a coming-of-age story with an adoring imagination and an unlikely friendship. 80's nostalgia = rocks my socks

    Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)- I'm a big fan of Wes Anderson so I might be a little bias, but I LOVED this movie. I read a review with you saying Clooney knows how to pick his scripts, and he does it again with this one. It's an animated movie in a Coraline-esque style. I don't care if you don't watch the other two but I feel this one is a must watch because I really think you'll like it. Fantastic Mr. Fox is...for lack of a better word, Fan-"cussin"-tastic!

  2. Lol, I'm trying to figure out how to create a category under each post so that each movie has its own area to comment. (sorry for the confusion!)

    Ok, the Son of Rambow is on my netflix queue actually, so it will be here shortly! And I just added the fall... I'll post them as soon as I watch it! Thanks soo much Khoa!

    And yes, I've been meaning to watch Mr. Fox, but I sort of forgot..Haha thanks for reminding me!
